Welcome to WOW: Winning on Walmart

This site is dedicated to helping you WIN on Walmart by ​providing:

  • Comprehensive WOW Course to help you navigate the ​Walmart platform
  • Coaching Calls to help you with personal questions and ​growth
  • WOW Leads Lists to help you know what to buy
  • Communities to help you crowd-source answers and ​collaborate with other sellers


I’m Tracey - known online as 7figuregrammy. I’ve ​been selling online for over 25 years. I started on ​eBay, moved to Amazon late in 2000, and added ​Walmart in 2019. I’ve been full-time since 2021 ​and sell over $2M/year in product. My background ​includes teaching and working for technology ​companies where I led training and ​implementation. Selling online literally changed ​my life - and I’m here to share what I can so that ​you can WIN as well.


WOW: Winning on Walmart is a comprehensive ​course that walks you through each element of ​Walmart’s Seller Center. I take you inside my own ​Walmart account to show you HOW to do each task - ​adding tips and tricks along the way. Walmart’s ​platform is not the most user-friendly - let me help ​you avoid the hair-pulling and frustration by walking ​you through each step you need to get items listed ​and active. If you want to utilize WFS, I walk through ​that as well. I also give you an inside look at various ​Walmart softwares and my thought processes around ​sourcing for Walmart. Over 10 hours of content to ​help you WIN on Walmart!

Leads Lists

Currently, leads lists are released weekly - ​typically on Sunday evenings. However, ​based upon sales, special leads lists can ​also be done at other times. All of my leads ​lists are manually sourced by me. To ​determine viability of leads, I use ​DataSpark, WallySmarter, and Marter data, ​coupled with Keepa, Reviews, Number of ​Sellers, and historical information on the ​product/brand. Leads lists are limited to a ​certain number of purchases each week. To ​be the first to know when new leads drop, ​join our Facebook Community (free) here.


Click above to Sign Up

Click above to Sign Up

Free community to ​collaborate with other WM ​Sellers. All WOW Leads ​Lists are posted in this ​group first.

Paid community focused on Amazon, ​Walmart, and running your business. Guest ​speakers, LIVEs with 7-figure sellers sharing ​how they run their businesses, chances at ​free coaching each month. Most of our ​members have been selling for awhile and ​are trying to level up their businesses.

Coaching Calls

Coaching Calls are simply a way for you to ​reserve 1:1 time with me. During that time ​we can discuss any questions/problems that ​you would like. For multiple sessions, we ​may design an action plan for you to execute ​before our next session if appropriate. I love ​speaking to people about their business and ​problem solving with them!

in Q4

Welcome to Winning on Walmart in Q4 - your Q4 group to ​help you navigate selling on Walmart during Q4. This ​group is meant to be a combination of leads, education, ​and support during the best selling season! Here’s what ​you can expect starting October 1st:

  • Hosted on Discord - channels for various topics to allow ​conversations and q&a
  • 24-hour answer promise - please tag me if I miss seeing it!
  • Weekly Zoom Call with Tracey - Q&A, Hot Topics, Hot Sales, ​Planning, and more
  • October/November/December Leads: Two weekly lists of 10-​15 OA leads plus a minimum of 15 additional RA/OA leads ​added throughout the week (35-50 leads per week)
  • Store Channels - I will share pics of RA leads by store and post ​sales in these channels
  • Pop-up chats - come chat in the discord with me at least twice ​a month - topics will vary

During September

  • Discount on Tracey’s Winning with Walmart course - this ​course covers everything you need to know about navigating ​the Walmart platform. It is highly recommended you complete ​this prior to October if you are a newer seller on the platform!
  • Pop-up chats in Discord - nothing formal - just popping in to ​chat as things get ramped up for Q4
  • Leads - One weekly OA list of 10 leads plus I will share leads ​that looks interesting for those in the Discord (Min 10 per ​week)
  • Q&A - happy to answer any questions in the Discord


Early Bird (prior to 9/20): $449

After 9/20: $549


Leads Partner:

Recommended Software for Selling on WM

Marter - Phone App & Chrome Extension for product research

Get 20% off Annual or First Month

Metrics - P&L Software to be sure your items/business is ​profitable

Tell them Tracey Shelley sent you

Viably - Short-term capital solution: loan offers are based on sales ​history and are paid back in 7-16 weeks with a flat fee added (no ​accruing interest) - tell them Tracey Shelley sent you.


Instagram: 7figuregrammy

Email: support@ecomboost.info